Alvin Shiu

In the past, I’ve designed buildings in seven countries which changed the way people experienced their surrounding environment. Now, I design software and write code to push the boundaries on the way we interact with the virtual world.

This site was created in 2015 when parallax was hip so please excuse the amateur code. The password for my portfolio is in my resume. For more of who I am, check out my code experiments, prototypes, presentations and other projects :)



Ningaloo is a native mobile app that helps volunteers document nested turtle eggs as part of the Ningaloo Turtle Program in Australia. It was developed by a team of four in a week as a final project for DevBootcamp. Such an app requires careful attention to caching and synchronization issues, since network connectivity is spotty in the field. For these reasons we used technologies including Meteor and MongoDB. We worked in collaboration with the Ningaloo non-profit, and will be beta-testing this system next season.


Wanders is an app that connects you to beautiful public spaces. The app allows you to enter a location you want to explore, or browse nearby places of interest using your device's geolocation capability. Spaces are listed on the right, and as you scroll through the options the map will zoom in on the location and bring up an accompanying images of the space. This app has a feature that allows you to send the address to your phone via text using the Twilio api. is a project that was developed at a two-day hackathon whose theme was revolutionizing travel search. My team's idea was to create a site that guides you through your travel decisions in a way that maximizes your involvement in local culture, rather than centering your experience around tourist attractions. maps the current most popular searches, gives you the lowest fare to that destination and provides a montage of pictures taken by locals using the Flickr api giving you glimpses of local festivities, eats, sights and culture.

About Alvin

Eh, I can talk big about myself here but in all honesty I'm just a guy who finds great joy in designing and building beautiful things. I’m super excited about this digital world that we live in and I’m stoked to be working with this new medium. What else do you want to know? I love travelling. In fact I've been to 43 countries. I grew up mostly in Toronto but worked as an architect around the world and landed in the Wild West ( aka. California ).

This site is a result of a five-day exploration of parallax scrolling, slideshow and media screen queries. All media content were created by Alvin Shiu. Explore the project on Github.